Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sailmaker's Whipping

Most whipping will pull of if tugged hard enough. So, if the rope's ends is to spends its working life being buffeted by the wind (e.g., on a flag halyard) something tenacious is needed. a sailmaker's whipping (1-5) has riding turns which, on hawser-laid rope, follow the spiral grooves between the helixing strands and seize the whipping to the rope. An initial bight of twine is looped over the end of the strand it straddles, and pulled tight to enclose the completed wrapping turns, this creates two of the riding turns. Then the two ends are reef knotted to form the third . a palm-and-needle whipping like this can be stitched onto braided or sheath-and-core ropes, when it does not matter which way the riding turns are applied. for even heavier duty, on large hawsers and cables, try snaking (6)

1 komentar:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing useful technique on sailmaker's whipping.

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